Sunday, June 8, 2008


All at $18 CLOSED!
12/10 Orders:
Janice: 9711183-Lightpink,9711239-Navyblue (Paid)
Natasha: 96788587-White (Paid)
Girlgirl: 9711239-Navy, 9711067-White (Paid)
Peishi: 9711239-White (Paid)
Miya: 9711185-Navy (Paid)
Kelly: 9711067 -White (Paid)
Minjia: 9711067-White (Paid)
Jiqing: 9711067-Navy (Paid)
Michelle: 9711067-Navy (Paid)
Jeline: 9711067-White (Paid)

  1. Firstly,all prices includes shipping and handling.
  2. If item are OOS will be refund back in total amount.
  3. No payment no order,i'm so sorry.
  4. Join if you're patient,Estimated timing for arrival is 1-3weeks

Lastly,Click on pictures to enlarge!

9711239,Available: Navy,White,Grey,Yellow
Length: 70 Bust: 45 Shoulders: 39 Sleeve 14.5 (cm)

9711067,Available: White,Navy,Grey
Length: 72 Bust: 46 Shoulders: 37 Sleeve: 15 (cm)

97115328,Available: Grey,Blue,Black,Reddish Pink.
Length: 74 Bust: 49 Sleeve: 19 Shoulder: 37 (cm)

9711188,Available: Navy,White,Grey.
Length: 69 Bust: 47 Sleeve: 17 (cm)

9711185,Available: Navy,White,Grey.
Length: 71 Bust: 49 Sleeve: 18 (cm)

9711183,Available: Yellow,White,Grey,Pink.
Length: 69 Bust: 47 Sleeve: 17 (cm)

9714015,Available: White,Grey
Length: 59 Bust: 47 Sleeve: 57 Shoulder: 38 (cm)

1 comment:

Spongeypants said...

interested in your hoodies, care to sms me at 96603075?

thanks loads,